1. You can initiate a request for refund by Whats App on 0331-2818985 or call 0331-2818985 or email nauratanherbals@gmail.com
  2. You can avail the refund within 7 days of parcel delivery.
  3. Important note: Nauratan Herbals will not entertain the refund request if returned product is not received by Nauratan Herbals within 7 days.
  4. After receiving your parcel, our quality control team will thoroughly inspect your parcel.
  5. If the product is used and tag is missing, Nauratan Herbals will not entertain refund requests. 

Email: nauratanherbals@gmail.com

Call: 0331-2818985

Whats App: 0331-2818985

Facebook: Nauratan herbals